Home Internet Gen Z and Millennials Embrace TikTok as a Career Advice Platform

Gen Z and Millennials Embrace TikTok as a Career Advice Platform

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## Introduction In today’s digital age, social media platforms have become more than just a means of entertainment. They now serve as valuable sources of information and inspiration, particularly for the younger generations. Among these platforms, TikTok has emerged as a popular destination for Gen Z and millennials seeking career advice. A recent survey conducted by ResumeBuilder.com revealed that a significant number of Gen Z and millennial TikTok users turn to the platform for guidance on their professional journeys.

The Influence of Social Media on Professional Decisions

Social media platforms have revolutionized the way we seek advice and make decisions, and this holds true for career-related choices as well. The survey results showed that TikTok has a considerable impact on the career decisions of its users, especially among Gen Zers. A staggering 77% of Gen Z respondents in the survey were avid TikTok users, followed by 59% of young millennials (27-33 year-olds) and 54% of older millennials (34-40 years old). Among these users, a significant portion (32% of Gen Z, 23% of younger millennials, and 25% of older millennials) reported frequently seeking career advice from TikTok.

The Credibility of TikTok as a Career Advice Platform

One might question the credibility of career advice found on a platform known for its short, entertaining videos. However, the survey results indicated that a substantial number of users trust the information they receive on TikTok. Two-thirds of respondents who obtained career-related advice from TikTok creators expressed trust in the guidance they received. Notably, Gen Z users were more likely to trust the information compared to millennials.

The rise of influencer culture plays a significant role in shaping this trust. Gen Zers, in particular, grew up in an era where social media held immense influence over various aspects of their lives. Paige Breedlove, an employment trends expert, explains, “With the rise of influencer culture, Gen Zers may feel like career advice they find on TikTok is both credible and valuable.” The visual and immediate nature of TikTok makes the advice seem more relatable and actionable, fostering a sense of trust among users.

The Benefits and Pitfalls of TikTok Career Advice

While TikTok can provide valuable insights and alternative solutions to career-related challenges, it is essential to approach the platform with caution. Lina DaSilva, founder of Toronto Shine Cleaning, cautions that not all advice found on TikTok is reliable. She advises users to remember that “for every piece of golden advice, there’s misinformation.” It is crucial to verify the background and expertise of creators before fully relying on their guidance.

Julia Toothacre, ResumeBuilder’s Resume and Career Strategist, emphasizes the need for thorough research when seeking advice on TikTok. Although some creators may repackage advice from experienced professionals, Toothacre warns that not all creators possess the necessary background or experience to provide reliable guidance. Therefore, users must critically evaluate the source of the information they encounter on TikTok.

Trust and Skepticism Among Different Generations

The level of trust in TikTok career advice varies among different generations. Millennials, having witnessed the birth and evolution of social media, may approach the platform with more skepticism due to past experiences with misinformation. On the other hand, Gen Zers, being digital natives, are more inclined to trust digital platforms and find comfort in the collective wisdom of their peers.

Amrit Ahluwalia, senior director of content and insights at Modern Campus, highlights the positive aspect of social media platforms like TikTok, stating that they provide unfiltered perspectives on career growth from influential individuals whom the average person may not have direct access to. However, Ahluwalia advises users to view this advice with a critical lens. He encourages individuals to consider the motivations behind the advice-givers, as they may have personal agendas or seek to build a customer base.

Navigating Misleading Information on TikTok

While many users trust the information they receive from TikTok creators, the survey results revealed that misleading career-related information is prevalent on the platform. A quarter of respondents reported frequently encountering misleading information, while over half stated that they sometimes come across such content.

Toothacre warns against mistaking personal career experiences shared by creators as professional career coaching. It is crucial to differentiate between genuine advice and marketing tactics. However, social media does offer an opportunity to access authentic insights from individuals outside one’s immediate circle, such as recruiters and senior executives. Users should approach all advice on social media with a discerning eye, considering the underlying motives of the creators.

Utilizing Social Media for Career Advancement

Despite the potential pitfalls of misinformation, social media platforms like TikTok can be valuable tools for sourcing actionable career advice. LinkedIn, for instance, serves as a platform where employment professionals share valuable information about the latest trends and etiquette in various industries. Many experts in staffing and human resources leverage popular social media platforms to share industry insights and generate business.

Breedlove highlights the abundance of good career advice available through public knowledge-sharing on social media. While caution is necessary, social media provides an avenue for individuals to broaden their perspectives and knowledge on career-related matters. By following reputable sources and engaging with industry professionals, users can make informed decisions about their professional journeys.

The Limitations of Generalizations

When interpreting survey data, it is crucial to avoid overgeneralizations. Karen Kovacs North, director of the Annenberg Program on Online Communities at the University of Southern California, emphasizes that not all individuals within a generation use TikTok. Therefore, characterizing an entire generation based on the active users of a particular platform may be misleading.

While TikTok undoubtedly holds significant influence over people’s lives, Kovacs North reminds us to consider the self-selection bias in survey participation. Those who participate in surveys about TikTok are likely to be individuals who consider the platform important and meaningful in their lives. Therefore, it is essential to view the survey results with a critical eye and acknowledge that they may not represent the broader population accurately.

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