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Gen Z and Millennials Embrace TikTok for Career Advice

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TikTok for Career Advice


In today’s digital era, social media platforms have become a vital source of information and influence, even when it comes to career decisions. According to a recent survey conducted by ResumeBuilder.com, a significant number of Gen Z and millennial users are turning to TikTok for career advice. This article explores the growing trend of seeking professional guidance through the popular video-sharing app and delves into the reasons behind its popularity. We will also examine the potential benefits and pitfalls of relying on TikTok for career-related information.

The Rise of TikTok as a Career Resource

TikTok, known for its short, engaging videos, has captured the attention of young users around the world. The survey conducted by ResumeBuilder.com revealed that a substantial majority of Gen Z users (77%) are active on TikTok, followed by 59% of young millennials (27-33 year-olds) and 54% of older millennials (34-40 years old). Among these users, a significant percentage (32% of Gen Z, 23% of younger millennials, and 25% of older millennials) frequently seek career advice on the platform.

The popularity of TikTok as a career resource can be attributed to several factors. Paige Breedlove, an employment trends expert, suggests that Gen Zers, in particular, find the platform credible and valuable due to the rise of influencer culture. Growing up in an era where social media plays a central role in their lives, Gen Zers perceive the career advice they find on TikTok as relatable and actionable.

Trusting the Advice on TikTok

While TikTok serves as a hub for career-related information, the survey found that trust levels vary among different generations. Two-thirds of respondents who sought career advice from TikTok creators reported being very trusting (18%) or somewhat trusting (49%) of the advice they received. Interestingly, Gen Z users displayed a higher level of trust compared to millennials.

Lina DaSilva, founder of Toronto Shine Cleaning, believes that trust differences stem from distinct formative experiences. Millennials, having witnessed the pitfalls of social media, tend to be more skeptical. On the other hand, Gen Zers, being digital natives, trust digital platforms and find comfort in the collective wisdom of their peers.

However, it is important to approach TikTok advice with caution. While most users claimed to trust the information they received, a significant portion (25%) admitted to frequently encountering misleading career-related information. Another 53% reported encountering misleading information on occasion. Julia Toothacre, ResumeBuilder’s Resume and Career Strategist, advises users to research the background of creators before accepting their advice. Not all creators possess the necessary qualifications or experience to provide accurate guidance.

The Influence of Social Media on Career Decisions

Social media platforms, including TikTok, have transformed the way people seek advice on various topics, including careers. Joe Karasin, a social media marketing specialist, suggests that younger users turn to TikTok as an alternative to traditional search engines, which may be perceived as biased or less optimal for their needs. The immediate and visually engaging nature of TikTok allows for the presentation of alternative solutions to career-related challenges.

Amrit Ahluwalia, senior director of content and insights at Modern Campus, highlights the positive aspect of social media platforms like TikTok. They provide a channel for individuals to access authentic insights from influential figures outside their immediate circle. Recruiters, senior executives, and other professionals share unfiltered perspectives on career growth that may not be readily available through other channels.

However, it is crucial to approach TikTok advice critically. Ahluwalia advises users to consider the motivations behind the advice-givers. Some creators may be seeking to build a customer base or challenge existing norms, while others genuinely aim to support and guide the next generation. It is essential to evaluate the credibility and relevance of the advice before making career-related decisions.

The Pitfalls of Generalization

While the survey conducted by ResumeBuilder.com provides valuable insights into the use of TikTok for career advice, it is important to interpret the data with caution. Karen Kovacs North, director of the Annenberg Program on Online Communities, cautions against generalizing the findings to characterize an entire generation. Not all individuals within a generation use TikTok, and self-selection bias may influence survey participation.

Kovacs North acknowledges the significant impact TikTok has on people’s lives and its persuasive nature. However, she reminds us that the data only represents active users of TikTok and not the entire generation. Therefore, it is essential to consider the broader context when discussing the influence of TikTok on career decisions.

Leveraging Social Media for Career Advice

While TikTok has its limitations as a sole source of career advice, it can still be a valuable tool for sourcing actionable insights. LinkedIn, for example, serves as a platform where professionals in various fields share employment trends and etiquette. Many employment professionals, including staffing and human resources experts, actively engage on social media platforms to provide helpful information and generate business.

Considering the vast amount of career-related advice available on social media, it is crucial to be discerning about the sources and information encountered. Authentic insights and valuable tips can be found, but users should always approach the advice with a critical mindset. Keeping in mind the motivations and expertise of the advice-giver can help users make informed decisions and avoid potential pitfalls.

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