Home Computing Tech Forecast 2024: A New Era of Cybersecurity and Technological Advancements

Tech Forecast 2024: A New Era of Cybersecurity and Technological Advancements

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The year 2024 is poised to bring significant advancements in the realm of technology, with a particular focus on cybersecurity, privacy, and productivity. As we delve into the future, experts predict a landscape shaped by emerging technologies, evolving regulatory frameworks, and the adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) in various sectors. In this article, we will explore the key trends and developments that are expected to define the tech industry in 2024.

Evolving Cybersecurity Landscape

The rapidly evolving cybersecurity landscape continues to pose challenges for organizations worldwide. As cyber threats become more sophisticated, businesses are increasingly investing in robust cyber defenses. According to Chad Cardenas, founder and CEO of The Syndicate Group, specialized integrators and resellers will play a pivotal role in bolstering cyber defenses in the year ahead. This shift towards reliance on the channel ecosystem reflects the growing realization that a collaborative approach is necessary to combat cyber threats effectively.

Joseph Carson, chief security scientist and advisory CISO at Delinea, predicts that cybersecurity compliance will undergo significant changes in 2024. Emerging technologies will push the boundaries of evolving threat landscapes, resulting in the need for updated regulatory frameworks. Privacy regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) have set the stage for stricter data protection requirements. Carson suggests that more regions and countries will adopt similar regulations, expanding the scope of compliance requirements for organizations handling personal data.

The Role of AI in Cybersecurity

Artificial intelligence (AI) has already made a significant impact on the cybersecurity landscape. AI-powered solutions have emerged for both cyber defenders and criminals. While AI aids cyber defenders in developing innovative cybersecurity solutions, cybercriminals exploit its power to launch more believable phishing attacks and develop advanced malware. Darren Guccione, CEO and co-founder of Keeper Security, emphasizes the potential of AI in enforcing privacy laws. However, he also cautions that AI can be a double-edged sword, requiring careful consideration of its implications.

The Executive Order issued by the Biden administration in October 2023 further highlights the role of AI in cybersecurity. The order emphasizes accountability in the development and deployment of AI systems. Developers of powerful AI systems are now required to share safety test results and critical information with the government. Red-team testing will be conducted extensively to ensure the safety, security, and trustworthiness of AI systems before their public availability. This executive order will likely have far-reaching effects across all sectors, regardless of their stage in the AI journey.

Tech Startups and Funding Challenges

2024 presents a less-than-optimal economic environment for tech startups. Funding is expected to be slow, and not all companies will survive, even those with unique and innovative IT solutions. Alex Hoff, chief strategy officer and co-founder of network management software firm Auvik, suggests that many startups funded in previous years are now facing customer churn due to tightened budgets and canceled subscriptions. To navigate these challenges, IT organizations must carefully assess their reliance on different IT solutions and evaluate their necessity versus nice-to-have status.

Strategic platforms that support critical functions like sales, marketing, and payroll should be prioritized. Vendors’ claims about their use of AI should be scrutinized to understand the type of AI used, data inputs, and data handling practices. It’s also crucial to evaluate whether existing vendors can provide additional services or functionality currently obtained elsewhere. Consolidation of vendors can help control costs and improve operational efficiencies.

Quantum Computing: A Leap into the Future

Quantum computing has been a topic of intense research and development, and 2024 may finally be the year we witness its practical applications. Ron Gidron, co-founder and CEO of software technology Xtype, predicts that advancements in quantum computing technology will have a significant impact on industries such as material science, genome sequencing, and drug discovery. While widespread implementation is still some way off, quantum computing is poised to reshape our future significantly.

The Renaissance of Generative AI

Generative AI, a transformative technology that pushes the boundaries of machine-led creation, is experiencing a renaissance. Shomron Jacob, head of applied machine learning and platform at Iterate.ai, highlights the potential of generative AI in various industries. From natural language generation and image generation to speech synthesis and generative music, this technology offers a vast horizon of possibilities.

In 2024 and beyond, generative AI is expected to be applied in material science, drug design, parts design, and the synthesis of synthetic data derived from real-world observations. Improved natural language generation, advancements in image generation, speech synthesis, generative music, and autonomous game development are some key trends to watch out for. As AI continues to evolve, the creative frontier of generative AI is just beginning to reveal its vast potential.

Assessing AI Expectations

While generative AI shows promising growth, it is essential to examine its long-term impact and sustainability. Matthew Miller, research principal at G2, emphasizes the need to analyze the data and understand the actual use and return on investment of generative AI software. While searches for generative AI software have increased significantly, market leaders will naturally emerge, leaving behind less impactful products. Not all tools will survive in the long run, emphasizing the importance of evaluating the software’s practicality and impact on the ground.

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